Professional Bachelor Degree

Bachelor of Science in Nursing – BSc, Prof

Graduate with the theoretical and clinical skills to start your career as a registered nurse.

Major areas of study include foundational nursing care, acute care nursing, and mental health nursing.

Theoretical content is supported with nursing practice laboratories, clinical simulation and clinical practice.

Other areas of study include anatomy and physiology and complex care nursing in both acute care and mental health settings with an emphasis on research-based practice.

 nursing degree prepares you for diverse and complex healthcare environments through academic excellence, innovative research and clinical practice.

Major areas of study include:

  • anatomy and physiology
  • community care nursing
  • foundational nursing care
  • continuing care nursing
  • high dependency nursing
  • medical surgical nursing
  • mental health nursing

Bachelor of Nursing
3 years full time

For those who have successfully completed a Diploma in Nursing
You can apply for Applying for (2 year full-time duration)

Register -2025

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